Thursday , 13 February 2025

Who we are & what we do

NSADA is the Nova Scotia Automobile Dealers’ Association. Its members consist of 125 new car franchised dealers in the Province and an associate membership comprising suppliers to the automotive retail sector in Nova Scotia.

NSADA strives to serve the collective interest of its members and promote positive relationships with government, industry, suppliers, consumers and media, by offering needed and effective programs and services.

NSADA is the only “voice” that the new car automobile dealer body in Nova Scotia possesses. NSADA speaks for automobile dealers exclusively, and has been operating in Nova Scotia since the 1940s.

A typical dealership in Nova Scotia employs 25 persons and sells 375 new vehicles per year. Large dealerships can employ 200 persons and sell 3,500 new vehicles a year.

The new car dealer in your community personally invests money and provides local employment. The dealer is active in local organizations and helps the community, as well as the business, to grow and prosper.

There are approximately 3,500 dealers in Canada, and in Nova Scotia, approximately 135 new car franchised dealers; NSADA represents 103.  NSADA also represents 53 suppliers to the automotive industry.

Lee Iacocca, former chairman of Chrysler Corporation, said in his autobiography, “It’s the dealers who have always been the guts of the car business … While they have a working relationship with the manufacturer, they really are entrepreneurs. Dealers are the ones … who actually sell and service all the cars the factories are turning out and represent the first contact with the manufacturer by customers.” – Lee Iacocca, Chairman, Chrysler Corporation from “Iacocca, An Autobiography” 1984.

Dealers in Nova Scotia are organized through a series of regional chapters or local associations including, Cape Breton, Antigonish-Guysborough, Pictou County, Truro-Colchester, Cumberland County, Halifax-Dartmouth Regional Municipality, Annapolis Valley, South Shore, and last but not least, Yarmouth-Digby.

The central focus for the association is working with governments, provincially and federally, in matters relating to the retailing of automobiles. In addition to tax matters, the association has been centrally involved in discussions relating to derelict vehicles in the province, and matters relating to dealer licensing.

As a long term goal, the association seeks to work pro-actively with government to ensure that the retailing of automobiles in Nova Scotia is done with a sense of responsibility of service to the community and the province at large.

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